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Microsoft has a history of trying to push dumbed downwardly versions of Windows every bit a budget option. Remember Vista Domicile Basic and Windows RT? Microsoft would like to forget them, only information technology still announced Windows x Southward last year with a number of restrictions that made it far less useful than the standard Windows 10 versions. At present, Microsoft's Joe Belfiore confirms previous rumors that 10 S will cease to exist as a separate version of Windows.

The pitch for Windows x South was similar to Windows RT — this version of the OS would be express to apps in the Windows Store. This restriction allows the OS to more effectively manage groundwork processes to preserve battery life and functioning, but all the programs you'd normally download from the internet would not work on Windows 10 S.

Microsoft made 10 S the default on its Surface Laptop (above), and several other computer makers followed suit with midrange laptops. Thus far, Microsoft has allowed users with Windows 10 S to upgrade to the standard edition complimentary of charge. The deadline for that was originally set for the end of 2017, but Microsoft extended it by three months to the end of March 2018. The upgrade fee will supposedly exist $50 thereafter. Microsoft hasn't talked almost the success of Windows ten S, but it's probably a flop if it's simply being folded into other versions.

In a leak earlier this year, it was declared that Microsoft planned to stop producing a dedicated 10 S version of Windows. Instead, at that place would merely be a 10 S style in other versions of the platform. Microsoft didn't have anything to say at the time, but now Microsoft exec Joe Belfiore confirms on Twitter that 10 S is becoming a mode.

Windows 10 South mode, which will probably get a new name, will ship with dwelling house and enterprise versions of the Os. It's unlikely many home users will want to switch over to 10 Southward mode, but businesses and schools could see benefits past preventing systems from picking upwards malware and chaotic software that slows machines down. Of course, yous demand to offset ensure all the necessary tools are available in the Windows Store.

There are several unknowns that can't be addressed in a single tweet. Will Microsoft allow systems to ship with South mode enabled? Will Microsoft offset charging users of 10 S for upgrades as it has planned? We may have to wait for Microsoft's next big Windows rollout to observe out the answers to these questions.