
How To Create A Group Blog On Tumblr

One of my best decisions during my first months as a blogger was to create a blog mastermind group. This mastermind has been so beneficial to my every aspect of my blogging adventure. I love having the members of my mastermind to share ideas with and learn from along the way. I'm writing this post because I've had several other bloggers ask me how I went about creating my blog mastermind group. In this post I'll tell you everything you need to know so that you can create your own blog mastermind.How to start your own Blog Mastermind Group - A community of bloggers to support you and build you up along the way is so essential to your success as a blogger! Learn exactly how to create your own blog mastermind group in this post.

How to Create your own Blog Mastermind

When I first began my blogging adventure, I wanted to learn everything that I could about blogging. I took several blogging courses (you can read about the exact ones that I took here). Throughout my blog education I kept noticing a recurring theme: relationships with other bloggers are essential for success.

Of course, there are so many ways that we can network and build relationships with other bloggers. We can take part in blog-centered Facebook groups and Pinterest group boards. We can participate in link parties. It's great if we're reading other blogs and leaving those bloggers comments on a regular basis. But how can we build meaningful, long-lasting, mutually beneficial relationships with other bloggers? The answer is a blog mastermind group!

What is a Blog Mastermind Group?

A mastermind group is a small group of bloggers (generally formed as a facebook group). These bloggers commit to each other that they will share ideas, support one another and encourage each other along their blogging journey. There are no strict rules about how exactly it has to work or what the members of the group have to do. Each mastermind can decide for themselves how they want to support each other and what works for them. I'll share what works for my group later on in this post.

Related: How to Start a Blog {when you have no idea what you're doing}

Who should be in your Mastermind Group and where do you find them?

It's entirely up to you to decide what kinds of bloggers you want to be in your mastermind group. But you should have an idea of the type of bloggers you're looking for before you start looking.

For me, these were the things that I was looking for:

  • People I'd actually like to be friends with in real life
  • Bloggers around the same stage of blogging as me. I was a beginner, and I was looking for other beginners.
  • People who I had things in common with and could connect with on a personal level.
  • Bloggers who has blogs that I really liked and was inspired by.

I wasn't necessarily looking for bloggers in my niche but I did kind of have that in my mind. I'd say I connected the most with bloggers who were around my niche or "niche adjacent". (Yeah, I'm pretty sure I just invented a new blogging term there.)

I found the bloggers that I invited to be in my Mastermind group naturally while I was reading other blogs. I think that reading other blogs is very beneficial as a blogger in all stages of blogging. Our peers are so inspiring and the more we read the better writers we become.

You could also find bloggers in larger Facebook groups, on Instagram, or through link parties. Use whatever feels natural for you.

Hint: You can get access to all my best blogger freebies and tips here.

When I came across a blogger that I thought would be a good fit for me and the mastermind group I was hoping for, I'd reach out with an email or a Facebook method.

Then, I'd get to know that blogger with a few messages to kind of feel things out and see how we got along. In these messages, I didn't mention the idea of a mastermind until I felt comfortable with the blogger I was talking to.

There were a few bloggers that I reached out to and then realized that we weren't the right fit for one another. I just let those conversations fizzle out naturally.

When I found someone who I felt was the right fit for me and my intended mastermind, I suggested the mastermind to gauge their interest. A few of these bloggers were interested and a few were not. When I found two "right fit" bloggers that were interested, I created the mastermind group as a Facebook group and we began masterminding.

How to Start a Blog Mastermind Group - everything you need to know to take your blog to the next level with this essential tool!

My advice

Don't be afraid to reach out anyone. If you wait around for someone else to reach out to you, it's probably not going to happen.

Instead of thinking to yourself "I'm just a new blogger, who would want to be in a mastermind group with me?" Think "I am going to be an AMAZING super-successful blogger someday soon. Who wouldn't want to be in a mastermind group with me?"

I know it can be a little intimidating to reach out to someone you don't know. You just have to think to yourself: what's the worst that can happen?

Let's spend a minute answering that question.

What is the worst that could happen?

Well, you might be ignored. Oh well, just wait to find the next person.

You might be rejected. That's never fun, but it's not the end of the world.

Or, you just might find the perfect person to join your mastermind group.

New Blogger Resource Guide

What my Mastermind Group likes to do

We ask questions, share ideas, encourage each other, and share what's been working for us.

Each week we talk about our goals for the week and reflect on how blogging has been going for each of us.

We also have a video calls occasionally. This time has been super helpful to for us to share a lot of ideas at once.

We have learned so much from one another! Something that Ilove about our mastermind group is that we each have our own strengths and complement each other so well.

Are you wondering who the other bloggers in my mastermind group are?

I'd love to give a shout-out to some of the amazing bloggers that I am so lucky to share this mastermind group with:

Krystal from Simple Finance Mom

Erin from Notice the Little Things

Mauri from The American Patriette

Amy from Deliberately Here

Alison from Just Add Confetti

Thank you so much, my dear blogging friends, for being so supportive of me along the way!

By the way, their blogs are all AMAZING and you should totally check them out!

I hope this post was helpful to you in creating your own blog mastermind group!

How to Create a Blog Mastermind Group - everything you need to know to take your blog to the next level with this essential resource!

Want more? You can read more about blogging here:

How I Rocked my First Month Blogging

9 Best Websites to get Free Stock Photos for your Blog

You can read more about my story here: A Spender and A Saver Fall in Love

How To Create A Group Blog On Tumblr


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